I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine. He said ‘money is his passion’. He just wants to make money. I don’t quite agree. I don’t think money in itself can be an end. It can only be a means to an end. What you really want maybe to go some place or have something. Lets say you want a big house with peaceful surroundings. And to buy that house you need money. Agreed. Money can get you a lot of things. No doubt. But the point is what are you focusing on? Money, or what you want to do with it?
The argument is that, I need a lot of things. All those need money. So instead of focusing on all those individually, I focus on money. So once I have enough money, I can get whatever I want. Pretty straight forward argument. Logical right?
Well there is catch. For one, quite often the means of making money will be contradictory to what we want to do with it. For example, to earn money, you might have to stay in a city where you will not be able to find peaceful surroundings. Or you may have to go to a different country which takes you away from family and friends which defeats the very purpose of having a big house. Also, our needs keep increasing with time(I think this is a good thing) and we are constantly trying to catch up by earning more money.
So isn’t it better to focus more on what we really want rather than focusing on earning money as a blanket solution?